RSGB | ARRL | RAC | Ofcom |
RSGB News | ARRL Letter | RAC News | QRZ |
eHam | G-QRP Club | IARU | UKSMG |
4 Metre Group | UK Microwave Group | VHF/UHF Beacons | HF Beacons |
BBC | Space Weather | X-Ray Flux | Estimated Planetary K Index |
Space Weather Prediction | NASA Science | Solar Cycle Progression | SIDC Sunspot Graphics |
AEA | AES | Alinco | FlexRadio |
Icom UK | Icom USA | Kenwood UK | Kenwood USA |
LAM | MFJ | ML & S | Nevada |
R & L | Radioworld | Telepost | Ten Tec USA |
The DX Shop | Yaesu UK | Yaesu USA | Waters and Stanton |
Adonis |
Heil | Shure |
J-TEK All Pass Filter Designer |
EZNEC | Ham Radio Deluxe |
MM Hamsoft | CW Academy Morse Trainer |
DX Maps |
Locator | DXCC List |
G4ZLP | microHAM |
Piexx | West Mountain Radio |
AmateurLogic.TV | Ham Nation | Ham Radio Now | TX factor |
Antennas |
QSL Cards: Sorry, no cards available. I stopped collecting cards and sending them out many years ago. I was spending more time writing cards than actually having the QSOs. |
Have you tried learning Morse code? |
WereWoolf Index |